Category: Other flowers

Unlock the Secrets: How to Make Your Indoor Plants Flower
Indoor plants not only add beauty and a touch of nature to our living spaces, but also provide numerous benefits for our well-being. One of the most delightful aspects of having indoor plants is witnessing them bloom and flourish. However, getting your indoor plants to flower can sometimes be a challenging task. Fear not! In ...

Hyacinth – the flower of grief and mourning?
Hyacinth is one of the most popular plants in the gardens. And this is because of its beautiful colored flowers and incredible aroma. Hyacinth is a bulbous plant that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. It is a perfect flower for gardens, balconies, and an ideal decor element in interiors. In this article, we are going ...

The meaning of the daffodil flower and origins of its name
Daffodil is a trumpet-shaped flower that blooms quickly at the beginning of the spring. Daffodil is a bulbous plant and belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. It is a flower with a tragic background story. Therefore, there are many interesting and beautiful facts about this plant. Let’s take a look at the daffodil meaning, origins, history, ...

Pansy meaning, origins, and other interesting facts
Pansy is one of those flowers that we all have seen many times but don’t know much about it. You may recognize it by the fact that it looks like a small human face. Due to its special characteristics, it is a very popular plant used in gardens. Pansies are biennial plants that belong to ...

Amaryllis flower meaning, origins, and other interesting facts
Amaryllis is a beautiful flower that has several meanings. Its name is confused with the genus of Hippeastrum. Although they are similar and belong to the same family, they are not the same. Amaryllis also look similar to lilies, but they only are distant relatives. Some people may argue, that amaryllis is much more beautiful ...

Flower of November – Chrysanthemum. What does this plant symbolize?
Since ancient times, flowers contained great symbolical power. Each flower signifies certain feelings and has different meanings. That’s why we often declare our feelings not with words but with flowers. Although the most popular flower to give is rose but there are many other beautiful plants. In this article, we are going to focus on ...

Anemone – daughter of the wind, symbol of forsaken love
Anemone is a flower with about 200 species and belongs to a Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. It is a perennial plant with various shapes and colors, and it does look like a poppy. Anemone is a popular garden plant and blooms in early spring until autumn. This small flower comes from Japan, but we can find ...