Category: Pink flowers

Camellia – the rose of Japan. What does this flower symbolize?
Who hasn’t seen this beautiful flower? At least once, you too have seen it at some point in your life. The beauty of Camellia is described in many legends. And it is a fragrant flower that has a lot of popularity in Asia. In this article, you will find the camellia flower meaning. Also the ...

Peonies – flowers with a rich history. What do they symbolize?
Peony flower may symbolize different thing depending on the cultural context, place or time. It is a beautiful flower that has been a part of both Eastern and Western culture for hundreds of years. If you want to give a peony as a gift to someone, you’ve reached the right place. We will be talking ...

The origins, meaning, and interesting facts about gladiolus flower
Gladiolus is a genus of flowering plants that belong to Iridaceae family. There are almost 300 species with most of them occurring in southern Africa. The stunning gladiolus flowers come in a wide range of beautiful colors. It’s often used in bouquets as a cut flower, and we can also find it growing in many ...

Cosmos – the flower of October. What does this plant symbolize?
Did you know that cosmos flowers are one of the easiest ones to grow? You can literally plant them anywhere and you’ll probably have them blooming in no time. If you like these flowers, stay with us for a while. We are going to talk about the cosmos flower meaning, origins, history, and other interesting ...

Carnation meaning: what does this flower symbolize?
Carnation meaning Generally, carnations symbolize joy, love, pride, and beauty. Another carnation meaning comes from its Latin name Dianthus caryophyllus. Which means the flower of love or the flower of the gods. So, carnations are all about love and beauty. But, the carnation meaning also varies depending on its color. Let’s take a look at what ...

Azalea meaning and origins. Discover the beautiful history of this plant
Azalea meaning Due to its toxicity azalea was once a well-known death threat. For this reason, it became a symbol of caution. Sending a bouquet of azaleas was a hypocritical way to threaten the receiver. So, in this sense, azalea symbolized envy, revenge or even jealousy. Of course, there is more than one azalea meaning. ...